Using colors and links to FDA information about the use of colors

Using colors and links to FDA information about the use of colors

Posted by MH on Jan 25th 2020

A Quick Guide to using colors in your creations, with links to FDA information about the use of colors

Have you been perplexed about what colors can be used in what kind of products, and where to find the information?  Maybe you've searched for answers on search engines, or looked on social media groups and asked thememebers, or you have tried looking up information on supplier websites, but not been able to locate what you think is reliable information. We hope this blog will help quide you as you untangle all the questions and information about colors you want to use. 

Here are several links to the FDA website with lots of great information, that will give you a fast start to sorting through the information and finding just what you are looking for. I have listed the pages by their exact title to help you.

Color Additives in cosmetics

First, take a look at the FDA page  Color Additives and Cosmetics: Fact Sheet

This goes over the FDA basic requirements for approvals, certifications of colors, what colors are exempt and much more. Check out the section titled "How can I guard against color additive violations." This is a good place to start gathering information about cosmetic colors and has links to other pages with lots of information. 

There's also good information on the page titled "Summary of Color Additives for Use in the United States in Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics, and Medical Device."  We are only concerned with cosmetics, and the regulations are part of CFR 21 Part 73 and Part 74 subparts C the links are here  * Just make sure you stay in the area marked "Cosmetics"

Color Additives permitted for use in Cosmetics

Color Additives Permitted for Use in Cosmetics - This is the "go to" list to reference what colors can be used in cosmetics. Take a look at this list (it will open in a new window when you click on it) and after you read the introduction, take a look at the headings of the columns. The information in the first column, titled Color Additive, lists the ingredients below it, and the columns then explain the different areas where those ingredients' named can be used.   The first name of an ingredient listed is "Aluminum powder." As we work our way across the columns we can see that Aluminum powder is permitted in the eye area, but in the next column is marked as "Generally (Includes Lipsticks) it is not permitted, and in the next column "External Use" is marked as permitted. In the next column "Specific Limitations and Comments" the field is blank, and in the next column," 21 CFR Section" there is a reference and link to CFR 73.2645 to guide you to more information about using Aluminum powder.

When you are looking up the color keep in mind that something generally called a "MICA." is not just a colorant made up of "mica." Take a look at our mica here, the name is "Sky Blue Mica,' but it is made up of these separate parts - Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Ultramarine Blue. When you are using the table you need to look up each individual part of the mica to make sure it can be used for your intended use in your product. 

We'll examine Sky Blue Mica closer. Sky Blue Mica is made up of Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Ultramarine Blue. Using the table you will see that "Mica" is listed under the columns as "YES" for usage in  "Eye Area," "YES" under "Generally (Includes Lipsticks)" and "YES," under the "External use" column as well. The go on to the other parts to the mica, and look up Titaniu Dioxide, and Ultramarine Blue to see under exaclty what conditions this product can be used as a cosmetic color. As an added step, using "mica" again, do not forget to also look up regulation CFR 73.2496  to find out more about mica. Link here for Mica information at  CFR 73.2496 

As you examine the table above "Color additives permitted for use in cosmetics," you will note a link to another important topic - "Color Additives That Are Exempt from Certification and Permitted for Use in Cosmetics (21 CFR Part 73 Subpart C—Cosmetics) Did you know that you can use a lot of colors that are exempt from regulations? Following that link will take you to what is permitted. Not only does that link give a list of the colors, it also explains the exact "identity" of the color, how it is obtained, the specifications accepted, allowed uses, and how to label, plus lots of other useful information. Check that out too. 


What about Lakes and Dyes? to be continued . . . 

Common question about Cosmetic products - 

Cosmetics Products - A list of many products that FDA inquiring has the most inquiries about. This list includes Aromatherapy, Disposable wipes,  EOS Lip balm products, Hair products, Makeup, Nail products, Soaps and lotions, Tanning products, and Tattoos and Permanent Makeup. All of these topics have clickable links to help you go directly to the regulations about those particular products.