Dried Spearmint

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Spearmint is a wonderful flavoring and aromatic herb.

The name "Spearmint” comes from the shape of its leaves. As a flavoring, it is popularly used for gums, toothpastes, mojitos and candy. Many people enjoy fresh spearmint in their lemonade. It is used in the kitchen as a flavoring for meat, rice and desserts. Spearmint is popular in herbal blends too. Like peppermint, spearmint is a great additive to teas, or it can be used alone.

Spearmint is high in antioxidants, is reportedly used to reduce congestion in those suffering from colds.

Spearmint is very valued for its essential oil, which is used in aromatherapy.

Even the dried herb has strong aromatic properties. Add it to your dream pillows, sacehets, soaps, and even your bath water as people have been doing for centuries.

Spearmint reportedly has calming properties and benefits the stomach. It reportedly stimulates digestion, reduces gas and is a common herbal remedy for nausea. Spearmint has been shown to have anti-fungal properties as well.

Dried spearmint leaves make a minty, refreshing, satisfying drink - hot or cold.

Native of the Mediterranean, peppermint leaves were often used to crown luminaries in ancient Greece and Rome. It continues to be revered for its refreshingly light aroma, as well as its natural, caffeine-free taste. If you have yet to try gourmet spearmint tea, you'll be pleasantly surprised by its superior flavor. Our organic spearmint tea is made with the finest US grown organic spearmint.

Spearmint naturally contains no caffeine. Quite often spearmint tea is consumed after meals as the oils in the mint stimulate the flow of bile to the stomach and helps to relieve gas pains. Additionally, spearmint sweetens the breath, calms the digestive system, eases heartburn, stomach aches, and nausea.

An interesting and tingling way to use spearmint is to place a handful of spearmint leaves in your bath water which will lower your body temperature - perfect for cooling fevered skin or after working on a hot summers day.

Botanical Name: Mentha Spicata

Origin: United States